Código de mineração fica para o ano que vem


After spending more than two years in study in Dilma Rousseff government, the Mining Code , submitted to Congress in June , only’ll be voted on in 2014. The information was confirmed last week by Mr Leonardo Quintão ( PMDB – MG ) . According to him , the reason of the impasse is the decisionn of the Presidential Palace not giving up , among other things , to define by decree, the values ​​of the mining royalty rates .

The government would also be against the creation of levying a special participation of the most productive mines , similar to what is done today with the oil industry . The Congress is trying to include this tax in the tax code’s texy,  to reward municipalities with an annual aid of R$ 2 billion .

Thus , the text is not yet in force , unlike what would occur if it were edited an interim measure . No set rules and in the midst of these discussions in Congress , companies in the sector have preferred to postpone investments .

Source : Exame Portal